
The convention is to name the module alias after the file name it is defined in:

import Bool "mo:base/Bool";


Function equal
Function notEqual
Function compare


Function toText

Logical operations

Function lognot
Function logand
Function logor
Function logxor


func equal(x : Bool, y : Bool) : Bool

The function equal takes two Bool arguments and returns a Bool value. It is equivalent to the == relational operator.

import Bool "mo:base/Bool";

let a = true;
let b = false;

Bool.equal(a, b);


func notEqual(x : Bool, y : Bool) : Bool

The function notEqual takes two Bool arguments and returns a Bool value. It is equivalent to the != relational operator.

import Bool "mo:base/Bool";

let a = true;
let b = false;

Bool.notEqual(a, b);

func compare(x : Bool, y : Bool) : Order.Order

The function compare takes two Bool arguments and returns an Order variant value.

import Bool "mo:base/Bool";

let a = true;
let b = false;, b);


func toText(x : Bool) : Text

The function toText takes one Bool argument and returns a Text value.

import Bool "mo:base/Bool";

let isPrincipal = true;



func lognot(x : Bool) : Bool

The function lognot takes one Bool argument and returns a Bool value. It stands for logical not. It is equivalent to the not expression.

import Bool "mo:base/Bool";

let positive = true;



func logand(x : Bool, y : Bool) : Bool

The function logand takes two Bool arguments and returns a Bool value. It stands for logical and. It is equivalent to the and expression.

import Bool "mo:base/Bool";

let a = true;
let b = false;

Bool.logand(a, b);


func logor(x : Bool, y : Bool) : Bool

The function logor takes two Bool arguments and returns a Bool value. It stands for logical or. It is equivalent to the or expression.

import Bool "mo:base/Bool";

let a = true;
let b = false;

Bool.logor(a, b);


func logxor(x : Bool, y : Bool) : Bool

The function logxor takes two Bool arguments and returns a Bool value. It stands for exclusive or.

import Bool "mo:base/Bool";

let a = true;
let b = true;

Bool.logxor(a, b);